Grace Dixon
Grace graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a Business/Marketing degree. As a regional senior executive with Macy’s for 12 years, Grace managed staffing and selling services in five states across the country including Union Square and Mall of America. In 2002, Macy’s asked Grace to design the research method, renegotiate, and recover $1 million in broadcast advertising with Bay Area television and radio stations. She accomplished her $1 million goal within a year.
Grace and her husband, Steve Hall have lived in Lafayette for 24 years where they raised three children. Grace’s growing family inspired her to open her Lafayette business 16 years ago, a state-licensed and academically-rich preschool and after-care.
Grace’s community involvement has included: Lamorinda Moms, St. Perpetua Preschool Sunday School Teacher, Co-Op Girl Scout Leader, Lafayette Community Garden, Lafayette Elementary School Room Parent, and multiple Town Hall Theater fundraisers. Grace is currently a member of the Lafayette School District Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee, Friends of Leigh Creekside Park Improvement Plan, Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, and the Park Theater Action Committee. Grace is a strong believer that one’s community has a lasting and profound impact upon one’s life.

Creating Change in Our Community
The Community Foundation’s Excellence Grants provide much-needed support to nonprofits that dispense programs and services throughout the local community. Learn more about this year’s grantees who make an ongoing impact in the areas of Human Services, Seniors, Youth Development & Education and Arts & Culture! Each was chosen after careful consideration by our selection committee for the stellar work done every day for the benefit of our community members.